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School of Law Student Bar Association (SBA)

School of Law Student Bar Association (SBA)

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The SBA facilitates student, faculty, and alumni interaction by planning and hosting events. Our goal is to strengthen the Loyola community by providing students, faculty, and alumni with fun events they can engage with others outside of the classroom.

Donations are applied to...

Interfaith Brunch

This event was not a lecture or opportunity to speak on political events. We put together this brunch to celebrate one another’s faiths and emphasize the strength of our diverse community. Students were able to discover more about others’ faiths that they otherwise might not have ever learned.

Hunger Week

Each year, the Loyola SBA raises awareness of poverty and food insecurity that affects a substantial number of Chicagoans. We run clothing and food drives, and host fundraising events like trivia night.

Student Appreciation Night

This year, we plan to host a trivia/game night event that will give students an opportunity to relax and have fun with their friends before finals begin. This event is different from the weekly bar review events as it will be held at the school.

Barristers’ Ball

Each year the SBA rents out a venue, such as the Chicago History Museum, for a formal event. This event is usually held in February or March. It is a great opportunity to connect with fellow students.

Boat Cruise

This annual event to kick-off the school year. It is open to Law students and Quinlan Graduate Business students. 

Why are donations necessary?

We believe it's important to provide opportunities for professional relationships to grow in a fun environment.

We understand the benefits a strong Loyola network can offer, so we kindly ask for your help.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!